Monday, December 22, 2008



房间乱的有一段时间了, 一直懒得整理, 也就一直乱着. 其实整理了, 一天之后又是恢复原样.
自己也知道自己不是一个很有条理的人. 看着乱乱的房间想要整理时大脑一片空白. 东西太多, 都乱乱地放着.
具体有什么东西呢? 平时上街看到商店里的杂志啊, 就抱回来, 看到小纸条啊, 有设计的名片啊, 也拿, 广告画也拿, 宣传报纸也拿, 导游信息也拿, 去别人的毕业的艺术展, 酒瓶的软木塞也拿, 去一次日本壽司店, 那个装筷子的有该店logo的也拿, 在路上看到的树叶啊杂草啊也拿......
攒着的这些在别人看来毫无用处的东西, 就是不舍得丢, 想到以后要是想到弄点东西的时候应该用的上吧, 攒着攒着.
其实我从小就这样, 一直这样, 无法改变的. 我会羡慕那些整洁的人. 我就特别羡慕小裴, 跟她同桌的时候, 她的座位永远都是干净整洁的. 受她影响学了一段时间的整理, 跟她分开之后又乱了. 着方面我真的只是学样罢了. 就像身体里的血不能被逆转一样, 生来如此的, 强求不来.
有时侯很享受乱乱的房间, 在乱堆里翻找东西有很多乐趣, 有时候找不到就觉得自己很可笑的.房间乱不整理东西也找不到, 那不是自作自受?! "东西在哪里拿的就放回哪里就不会乱了!" 是这样的吗?可我的思绪就不能往一处去啊, 拿了的东西是哪里顺手就放哪里的, 就不记得它原来是属于哪里的了. 或者说它原来该属于的地方是我整理的时候强制规定的, 而根本不是它想要被放置的地方吧!
最近终于想要整理是因为事情实在太多太烦了, 申请大学和预备大学课程的文件一放到那个垃圾堆里, 就不记得哪些是做好的, 哪些还需要修改的, 甚至会找不到那些文件袋. 冬天要买衣服, 过圣诞节要给别人买礼物, 雪天想给自己买个雨靴,还有一些乱七八糟的吃的东西. 计划表和帐单往垃圾堆里一丢, 就不记得自己买过什么, 花过多少钱, 还有什么是需要买的, 还有多少钱剩.
最近还有点要超支的不详预感, 因为到这边什么都没有, 什么都想买, 想起以前在家哪有这样花钱的, 几乎每个月的50元都可以攒的下来, 有很多后备资金. 可现在钱总觉得不够, 自己也没有工作, 妈妈也不想让我去工作, 怕影响学习, 我想明年暑假应该可以找一份工作来干干. 希望可以在面包店工作. 这个还要打听一下行情. 总的来说不太喜欢"打工"这个词, 还有"工作" 也不是很喜欢, 因为会联想到那些每天像机器一样的, 运作同样程序的人. 麻木的, 不进取的. 可能是偏见吧!~说到底我也是要打工啊, 给自己赚点零花钱嘛!
不多说了, 搞清洁吧, 搞清洁吧, 也尽量把自己捡垃圾的习惯改改.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Noble Chocolate

The purer the chocolate, the higher its quality will be.
Today afternoon, I went to RICHART, there was a small party there, and I found out what was the different between the chocolate saled in RICHART and CVS. I knew more about chocolate, the high quality chocolate.
" What is the different between the chocolates sales here and those sales in the CVS?"
" It is so much different. You just tast it you will know. The chocolate saled here is high persantage. We have the best coco beans. The chocolates here are from France... Our chocolate have been checked for three times before they been saled."
I understood what the woman mean by saying that, but it was not a deal, she didn't give me meaningful information about the chocolate I want to know.
I asked another lady, and got want I want and really have some valueble information about the cheap chocolate and the expensive chocolate. She was more rational, and the first woman was more emotional. If I know nnothing about chocolate, or I don't have enough information, how can I tell the different?
" The chocolates saled in CVS are cheap. They didn't use the best coco beans. As you ask them where theri coco beans are from, they said they don't know. They can't even tell where their coco beans came from, but the best chocolate will have its best beans, as they have their best chocolate, they will tell you where their coco beans are from. You know what I mean!~"
"The cheaper chocolate saled in CVS, they used suger to cover the tast. Like some people use many different kind of sauces to cover the tast of meat's tast, then you can't tell what is the meat's tast. You know what I mean!"
"They kind of fool people. They want to hid something that is not good!" I responded.
"Exactly, exactly, exactly......"
" There too much suger and other things add in those cholocates."
" So it tasts like over sweet. It is like over make ups that different form the natural beauty!"
"Exactly, exactly, exactly, exactly......"
"I have tasted the one over there, it is sweet. Do they used suger also?"
" It is not suger, it is like... I can't find a exact word for the tast let me show you."
"Oh this one?"
" Yes, take that again."
"How is it feel?"
"Oh, I see. It is the natural sweet, it grow like that."
" Like different coco beans from different place, it tasts different because of its envirenment make it tast like that, you know."
" We used pure coco to make chocolate bars."
" Many people don't know that. So they just the one saled in CVS. So it is not health."

After the communication, I gain a lot and learn more about chocolate. And know what kind of chocolate I am going to choose. Even though the best chocolate is expensive, it is valueble and health for our bodies. I am not going to buy a lot of that. I don't have that much money, but if I want to buy chocolate, I won't choose those sales in CVS any more, I have better choice.

(In Chinese)
现在有点感觉高贵的东西大多是纯色系的, 而花俏的tend to be劣质的. 这个定义来自对chocolate的全新认识.
原来我以前吃的好吃的那些像chocolate都不是真的chocolate. 既然现在知道的事实, 就想和大家分享一下, 也让更多的人了解好的chocolate.
以前在中国的时候, 听过的好的chocolate就是Dove(德芙)了. 记得当时那个在北海卖还挺贵的, 就以为那个就是高级的chocolate了, 到了美国, 在CVS商店, Dove卖很便宜.